It was nice.
First off....let me say something to Ryanson down below me.
....I have a butt....and you may kiss it....
Cause lets face it, WHO CARES if the joke's been done, or if the
pony thing has been used to much? Its an attack on them, but
at the same time, a small bit of humor.
If you do not like the classics, deal with it, and you need to stop
being picky about it....oh yea....and stop judgeing your reviews
on "if its been done before". Take a look around, EVERYONE does
that OFTEN....and its still good.
*Cough* now that THATS out of my system, onto my review....
To me, the animation is great, and i loved every bit about it...cept
one lill bit. It was simply to short for my view.
I mean.....for what it is, its WONDERFUL, dount get me wrong on
that point. But fact is that its just.....too short.
Idk why i feal this way honestly, but cause of it, did not peak
my interest that much.
All in all, i find this...your style.....and the whole bit of it together very
well done and enjoyable. ^_^