I came from many other sites and the lack-of-help in real life for
inspiration and HELPFUL criticism for improving my art style.
......It gets under my skin when a person just gives me a fat-ass
0 however. I mean, its practically saying that i should just give up
the one thing i love to do in this world....as if i have no chance!
For FUCKS SAKE! Can one person in this world just give me some
SOLID help that i can use without being a total dick about it!
Hell, the only help i have even came close to getting is all thanks
to the forums themselves.....but even there i sometimes wonder.....
...perhaps i am just not cut out to be an artist.....i don't know....
But fuck anyone that thinks that i'm going to stop trying!
People will see! I will draw and draw and bloody D.R.A.W. till my
hands have to bleed if needed, just to get my point! I will get
better at what i do, and that's all there is to it!
>: (